My idea to make the blogroll into all images takes up to much space. I still intend to eventually do it, especially for Jessica of qforquack since she currently lists mine as a linked image, so please do not fret. I do plan to change it very soon. But for now I'm going to leave it as it is. I need to think of some idea's for that area, maybe smaller images, I don't know yet.

I got a new camera this week so I will finally be uploading images around town as soon as I possibly can. Work is being a little stressful lately so I guess it will be a little longer than expected. But enough about me, I hope you all have a wonderful Holy Week and Easter. God Bless!

I've yet to actually unlock and or finish everything the game has to offer. But it's excellent in every respect of the term. I didn't know how to do some things because it's been a good little while since Melee was released but this is really nice. I'll try to write a long and interesting review of it soon.

I found this picture interesting, it's shows the urban expansion that will come in the very near future, less than 2 years away in some cases. I will upload more pictures later. Have a great week!

When I got these in-ear headphone's last Christmas I was skeptical. Like most products I've tried on the market today they don't seem to be very good and fall apart quicker than how long it took me to buy them. Well, that wasn't the case with Bose's little wonder's. They sound great, and they make my tv's audio output seem stale and pathetic, and old, for that matter. I am now considering investing in a Bose "Wave" Music system due to the amazing quality and sound clarity offered by these little wonders which you wouldn't think were that impressive until you actually try them on and listen to something.

**This was not promotional, I just wanted to get the word out a bit more about these guys. Really great sound quality and construction.

You may notice some theme changes today. I'm seeing which one works best. I got a bit tired of the old theme. But, I do want some input on them, if you see one you prefer I'd appreciate it if you told me. Thank-you. :)

Yep, as of right now, which is March 9th, one of the most anticipated games in video game history has launched. The follow-up to the wildely popular "Super Smash Brother's" and "Super Smash Brother's Melee" respectifully. Pre-ordering was a must before the game launched, because I have a feeling the popularity of the game will be simular to the "Nintedo Wii". By that I mean most stores I've gone to have them back-ordered until the end of Fall. I haven't been able to get my hand's on one yet, that being the game, not the wii itself. I will write a follow-up review to this post once I get a chance to see what all the "hype" is truely about.

Do you remember how useful email was before spam? It’s been that long that many of us don’t and we have merely accepted that when you sign up an email account you are excepting the fact that you are going to become another victim of spam on a daily basis.

The sending of spam or bulk mail sadly works due to the fact it is such a cheap medium to use to get a message to thousands of people at the same time. The cost of spam always lies with the receiver as it costs time, money and resources to deal with the flood of spam mail that comes through our inbox on a daily basis; this is especially evident in the work place where numerous hours are lost while employees sort through their mail to actually read ones that are genuine.

If you don’t already have a spam filter software set up on your email account I thoroughly suggest that you do so as a spam filter will help to stop you becoming more of a victim of spam. A spam filter will stop spam in its tracks before it gets anywhere near your inbox.

Spam is a cat and mouse game as spammers are constantly trying to outwit the spam filters. This is why it is important that you ensure you have an up-to-date spam filter set up on your email account and that you keep check on this to ensure that if your filter does need up dating that you can do so.

Spam email is the biggest form of spam around. Spammers send large quantities of mail to an ever growing list of recipients and today spam now accounts for up to 85% of all mail that is sent.

When it comes to spam emails you should always remember:

• Don’t open it
• Just delete it
• Don’t reply to it
• Never send out personal details, especially bank details
• Don’t buy from spammers
• Don’t open attachments
• Don’t forward chain emails

Spam is mostly advertisements trying to get you to visit adult sites, buy pharmaceuticals and join online gambling websites; however a new type of spam mail is now emerging in the form of email scams.

Many of you are probably all too familiar with what is meant by email scams. Have you ever, for example, received an email claiming that your email address has won a lottery entitling you to thousands of dollars? This is a prime example of one of the email scams that is now reaching more and more people. Often these scammers describe how if you send your bank details the money will be transferred when really these spammers are after your personal details for identity theft and your bank details to clear out your account. It is highly important that the only action you take to emails such as these is none.
Another highly popular email scam that is making its rounds is one that describes how money belonging to business people or family members of former government officials in Nigeria or another country is tied up. They offer to transfer lots of money into your bank account if you will pay a fee to help them access their money. If you respond to the initial offer, you may receive documents that look official. Then they ask you to send money to cover costs for transaction, transfers and legal fees, as well as your bank account numbers or other information. They may even encourage you to travel to Nigeria or a border country to complete the transaction. These emails are merely sent by scammers who are trying to steal your identity along with the contents of your bank account; again ensure that the only action you take to these emails is none

A spam filter will severely help to reduce the amount of spam emails that you are receiving on a daily basis. If you haven’t already invested in one do it now and bring an end to the spam today.

::This article by Carolyn::

Jeez. People who live in the US are so blessed and they take everything they have for granted. Like it's not there anymore. Last time I checked, the US was better off than any other country on the face of the Earth, even with it's problems, it's the best country you can be in right now. People are so quick to bash the US, but never really offer any solutions, they say it's beyond repair, it's not working, it's a losing situation. Well, if it was, it's news to most of the people voting for conservative judges, and president's. This country, is still a great country. It's having a lot of problems right now but it is not the country's fault, it is the people in it who have for the most part destroyed a lot of what it once proudly stood for. People in the US aren't alone, every other country that has it's head to far up it's butt also thinks this. I'm not trying to offend other people here, but let's get real. The US has done more for anyone across the globe than any other country can or ever will do for them.

This country still stands for the free, brave and our heroes, serving in Iraq, Afghanistan or otherwise need are support, not our retreat. We must come together and stop bashing the US, and actually do something novel; help it.

Well at least Huckabee now has his excuse to exit, someone made it to 1191 delegates. On the Democratic side, Barack Obama is showing unstoppable momentum that I personally don't think Hillary Clinton can beat. Subject Unknown feels confident projecting the race one between Barack Obama and John McCain. Whatever happens, it will be a historic race and it's certainly exciting!

Laura Wilson's Musings and Is8Enough have been added to the sidebar if you didn't notice, they are both very good sites to visit. I recommend them whole heartedly. As well as Jessica's "qisforquack" blogsite, definitely check it out.

I love MPM. I get them every month and they usually or often always have a good cd compilled with tons of cool software I didn't even know existed. Plus they have some great tips on tweaking and performance enhancing your pc whether your using xp or the all new window's vista. I'd check them out.
In other news I got 11 emails today regarding how I had some offshore account in Africa worth millions. Yeah, right.