Life: We allow life to be bad, it doesn't have to be.

Cyber-Bullying: We allow people to speak their mind online but sometimes I feel we could reconsider that for the millions being bullied online.

War: War is only necessary when it's the last possibly option, and yet we go to it in not necessarily proper conditions. We allow it to happen.

Poverty: Even though people can choose to be poor, or choose not to work and be lazy and ask for things rather than work for them, there are genuine reports of people who need work who WANT it. We allow it to happen, too.

Crime: Just like it is online, it can be worse in real life, and it to can be prevented better than it currently is. We allow it to happen.

What we allow to happen is much much more than I have listed, but if our own emotions, our abilities to be human vanish, what does that say for humanity? In a world where we allow things to happen, one has to wonder, what if it was different?